Wealthfolio User Guide

This guide will walk you through the main features of Wealthfolio and how to use them effectively.

Initial Setup

  1. Set Your Main Currency

    • Go to the settings/General tab.
    • Choose your preferred currency from the list provided.
    • Confirm your selection.
  2. Add Your Accounts

    • Navigate to the settings/Accounts tab.
    • Click "Add Account" and fill out the form:
      • Account Name
      • Account Group (e.g., 401k, RRSP, Cash Savings)
      • Account Type (Securities, Cash, or Crypto)
      • Account Currency
      • Is Default (check if it's your primary account)
      • Is Active (check to include in your portfolio)
    • Click "Save" to add the account.
    • Repeat for each account you want to track.

Managing Activities

Activities in Wealthfolio represent all your financial transactions, including buys, sells, dividends, deposits, withdrawals, and more. Properly managing these activities is crucial for accurate portfolio tracking.

Supported Activities**

  • Click on "activities" in the main sidebar.
  • Choose between "Add Manually" or "Upload CSV".
  • When adding activities, you can select from the following types:
    • BUY: Purchase of securities or assets
    • SELL: Sale of securities or assets
    • DIVIDEND: Income received from investments
    • INTEREST: Interest earned on cash or fixed-income securities
    • DEPOSIT: Adding funds to an account
    • WITHDRAWAL: Removing funds from an account
    • TRANSFER_IN: Moving assets into an account from an external source. This can be used to log a position holding without impacting cashflow.
    • TRANSFER_OUT: Moving assets out of an account to an external destination. This can be used to log a position holding without impacting cashflow.
    • FEE: Any fees associated with account management or transactions
    • TAX: Tax-related transactions or withholdings

Supported Securities**

Wealthfolio uses Universal Symbol objects, which can be identified by either a ticker or a Universal Symbol ID. When you input a ticker, the system returns the first matching result. We primarily adhere to the Yahoo Finance ticker format for consistency and accuracy.

Here are some examples to illustrate the ticker format:

  • For stocks traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), append .TO to the ticker. For instance, RY.TO for Royal Bank of Canada.
  • For stocks traded on the London Stock Exchange (LSE), use .L at the end. For example, HSBA.L for HSBC Holdings.
  • Stocks traded on NASDAQ or NYSE typically don't require a suffix. For example, AAPL for Apple Inc.

To ensure the most accurate results, always use the ticker with the appropriate suffix for the exchange where the security is traded. For comprehensive information about market coverage and potential data delays, please consult the Yahoo Finance Market Coverage documentation.

Manually Add Activity

  1. Click on "Activities" in the main sidebar of the app.
  2. Click "Add Activity" to record a new transaction.
  3. Fill out the activity form:
    • Select the account from the dropdown menu.
    • Set the transaction date and time.
    • Enter the symbol of the security (if applicable).
    • Input the quantity (number of shares or units).
    • Enter the unit price.
    • Select the currency.
    • Add any fees associated with the transaction.
  4. Review the entered information and click "Add Activity" to save, or "Cancel" to discard.

CSV Import

  1. Prepare a CSV file with your financial activities in the following format: date,symbol,quantity,activityType,unitPrice,currency,fee
  2. Click on the "Import CSV" option.
  3. Select your prepared CSV file.
  4. Review the imported activities carefully.
  5. Confirm the import if everything looks correct.

Example CSV format:


Dashboards Overview

The dashboards provides a quick snapshot of your portfolio:

  • ** Total portfolio value and accounts breakdown ** Wealthfolio Dashboard

  • Asset allocation Wealthfolio Holdings

  • Income Dashboard Wealthfolio Income

Tracking Performance

  • View performance charts for individual investments or your entire portfolio.
  • Set up custom date ranges to analyze specific periods.
  • Monitor your overall gain/loss percentage and amount.

For more detailed information on specific features or troubleshooting, please refer to our FAQ section.